Where's that title from?

Altarwise by Owl-Light


Altarwise by owl-light in the half-way house
The gentleman lay graveward with his furies;
Abaddon in the hangnail cracked from Adam,
And, from his fork, a dog among the fairies,
The atlas-eater with a jaw for news,
Bit out the mandrake with to-morrow's scream.
Then, penny-eyed, that gentleman of wounds,
Old cock from nowheres and the heaven's egg,
With bones unbuttoned to the half-way winds,
Hatched from the windy salvage on one leg,
Scraped at my cradle in a walking word
That night of time under the Christward shelter:
I am the long world's gentleman, he said,
And share my bed with Capricorn and Cancer.

-- Dylan Thomas

31 January 2008


So, I've had to change my "John Edwards for President" link to a "Barack Obama for President" link. I'm still not thrilled with the whole "bringing red and blue Americans together" idea (I would rather just transport the red voters to a colony on the far side of the moon), but overall an Obama presidency could do much to heal the damage done to the country by the current occupier of the White House.

I think that what America needs right now is a leader, first and foremost. Americans need a leader who can inspire, as well as someone with the right policies.

I'd love to vote for a woman for president, but not this one. (Though I would gladly vote for her in November should she get the nomination.)

Anyway. That's all the politics for the time being. Now back to our regularly scheduled poetry and mystical sh*t.

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