This may seem apropos of nothing, but this is the kind of stuff that helps me remember who I used to be underneath all this academic soot that covers me currently. It may only be a clip from an old tv show, but it's still the kind of stuff that used to mean a lot to me (and still does). So I'm inflicting it on you! So, welcome to a glimpse of my heart of hearts.
Where's that title from?
Altarwise by owl-light in the half-way house
The gentleman lay graveward with his furies;
Abaddon in the hangnail cracked from Adam,
And, from his fork, a dog among the fairies,
The atlas-eater with a jaw for news,
Bit out the mandrake with to-morrow's scream.
Then, penny-eyed, that gentleman of wounds,
Old cock from nowheres and the heaven's egg,
With bones unbuttoned to the half-way winds,
Hatched from the windy salvage on one leg,
Scraped at my cradle in a walking word
That night of time under the Christward shelter:
I am the long world's gentleman, he said,
And share my bed with Capricorn and Cancer.
-- Dylan Thomas
O MC, I miss you.
Did you go to Orange High School and have a brother named Ron? If not, sorry to bother you. You can hit me back at
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